
Six-year-old Chilliwack boy wins national Hot Wheels competition

Ethan Davies, winner of of Hot Wheels Track Builder Challenge, gets ready to drop another car down his track.

Ethan Davies had friends over to play on Saturday.

That’s nothing new. What was different was the giant Hot Wheels flags outside his house.

Six-year-old Davies beat out over 400 other kids across Canada to win the Hot Wheels Track Builder Challenge.

Davies submitted a track which started from his top bunk and used both his bed and dresser before ending the floor with a variety of loops.

Davies' winning entry in the Hot Wheels Track Builder Challenge
Davies' winning entry in the Hot Wheels Track Builder Challenge.

Andrew Smiles, a “track expert” for Hot Wheels, says that entries were rated on complexity, aesthetics and length – and said that while Davies was on the younger end of the spectrum, it didn’t show in his design.

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“They were given a lot of bonus points if they did something I hadn’t thought of,” said Smiles.

“It looked like he wanted it the most. He put so much effort into his track, and it was really great to see.”

Hot Wheels organized a party at Davies’ house, gave him a plaque, and worked with his friends to create a large size track.

For his part, Davies was modest.

“I’m just happy all my friends are having fun.”

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