
Body recovered in Victoria’s Beacon Hill Park

Body found in Beacon Hill Park in Victoria
Body found in Beacon Hill Park in Victoria. Global News

VANCOUVER – Victoria police confirm they’ve found a body in Beacon Hill Park.

Just after 7 a.m. a man was walking in the park when he noticed something strange and called police.

Investigators say the remains belong to a 49-year-old man.

“We know the body’s been here for a while because it was in an advance state of decay, however, we’re having the coroner look into more details,” said Cst. Brett Stewart with the Victoria Police.

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“We believe this may be one of our homeless population who camped out for the night and unfortunately passed during his sleep.”

Stewart said officers are out every morning waking up homeless people and checking on them to make sure they are OK.

“Today unfortunately, he was, this male was hidden in an area that no one would have passed by him,” he said, adding they believe the man was known to police.

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The coroner is still working to identify the man and rule out any foul play.

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