
Saskatoon police seek evidence in lengthy harassment investigation

Saskatoon police believe people may unknowingly have evidence in a lengthy harassment investigation that has a woman facing numerous charges. File

SASKATOON – Requests to forward packages containing letters may be connected to a lengthy harassment investigation that has resulted in numerous charges against a woman.

Saskatoon police say businesses and individuals have received packages containing the letters over the past two months. They have child-like writing and a request to forward those letters to an address on the envelope.

Investigators believe those may be linked to an ongoing investigation into harassment, fraud and uttering threats that has led to charges against Amanda May Totchek, 28.

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Totchek was charged in February after a lengthy investigation and appeared in court on Tuesday on the latest of 50 charges. She is back in court on April 22.

Investigators allege Totchek harassed a Saskatoon man and his friends over a number of years and it escalated in December 2013.

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During the same period, police say they found fraudulent activity had taken place along with threats to cause harm.

Police believe there more letters were sent in an attempt to commit the same crimes and are asking the public for help in locating potential evidence.

Anyone who may be in possession of packages or letters of a similar nature should call Saskatoon police at 306-975-8300.

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