
Regina 2024 YQR Food Truck Wars in full swing

The 2024 YQR Food Truck Wars is back in Regina. File photo- 2023 YQR Food Truck Wars. Global News/ File

The 2024 YQR Food Truck Wars kicked off in Regina Friday and Saturday at The Yards on Dewdney Avenue.

The food truck wars website has 15 food trucks listed for the event, including The Bannock House, El Tropezon, Eddie’s BBQ and The Frying Deutschmann.

Live music, a cornhole tournament and a show and shine are taking place on Saturday.

Click to play video: 'Regina food trucks prepare for return to downtown area following fee changes'
Regina food trucks prepare for return to downtown area following fee changes

Food trucks will be running from 12 p.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday.

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The City of Regina has been working to ease pressures on food trucks after many vendors have been setting up in parking lots in businesses rather than pay for downtown permits.

Vikas Ravada, manager of traffic engineering with the City of Regina said they’ve seen many food service businesses struggling and wanted to support the downtown’s vibrancy.

Click to play video: 'Regina Food Truck Wars'
Regina Food Truck Wars

“We’ve engaged food vending businesses, we’ve gathered feedback and made a few changes earlier in the year to further support and increase them to carry on their business and make them successful,” Ravada said.

The city made the decision back in April to lower fees for food trucks and allow vendors to open for business on any local street with parking and a sidewalk where the posted speed limit is 50 km/h or less.

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Some local food truck vendors said this decision opened the door for food trucks to get back downtown.

— with files from Andrew Benson

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