
Sunken ship reeled to surface

Jim Douglas / Global Okanagan

WEST KELOWNA — A sunken ship off the shore of Kalamoir Park on Okanagan Lake is on its way out of the water.

The “Spirit of Kelowna” went under early Sunday morning.  Police have told Global Okanagan the are no longer investigating and the sinking isn’t deemed suspicious or criminal, despite the caretaker suspecting foul play.

“The District of West Kelowna, working closely with the Regional District of Central Okanagan, the Province of BC’s Ministry of Environment and the vessel’s owner, is managing the removal of a sunken paddlewheeler near the shores of Kalamoir Park,” said District of West Kelowna Communications Supervisor, Kirsten Jones.

“The District of West Kelowna’s Bylaw Enforcement Division has contacted a relative of the boat’s owner and was advised that a local marine services company has been hired. An oil ring is being placed around the sunken vessel to secure any leaking fuel and a dive team is expected to inspect the vessel today. It is anticipated the vessel will be re-floated today barring any unforeseen issues,” Jones continued.

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As of 1:30 p.m. Monday afternoon, the process was still underway.

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