
Winnipeg store owner dinged with 30 charges in illegal tobacco, cannabis probe

A Winnipeg police vehicle. Shane Gibson/Global News

A Winnipeg woman is facing 30 charges connected with the illegal sale of tobacco and cannabis in an ongoing investigation.

Police said Friday that reports of age-restricted products being displayed in full view at three local convenience stores eventually led to the arrest of the 41-year-old store owner and two employees.

The initial investigation, which began last September, involved tobacco and cannabis products being made available to minors at the stores on Sargent, Westminster and Talbot Avenues, police said.

Inspection of the businesses under the province’s Tax Act and Smoking and Vapour Products Control Act led to the discovery of additional illegal cigarettes and cannabis products stashed within the stores.

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On Jan. 8, police arrested two men, 23 and 25, at the Sargent store and charged them with possessing cannabis for the purpose of selling and for promoting or advertising tobacco products where children are permitted access.

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Police said the owner of the stores was out of the country at the time, and a warrant was issued for her arrest prior to her return to Winnipeg on Tuesday.

Among the charges she faces are selling unmarked tobacco products and selling cannabis or accessories appealing to young people.

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Ten thousand illegal smokes seized from Thompson airport: Manitoba RCMP


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