
Mayor Rob Ford, drunken stupors and the everyman

ABOVE: What have Torontonians done in a drunken stupor? Alan Carter finds out. 

Time and time again Rob Ford’s strongest political move is to play Everyman.

He rode his regular guy image to power, even though mid-campaign he was caught lying about possessing marijuana when busted in Florida.  His explanation?  He had been drinking before getting behind the wheel.  By admitting to something worse than pot possession, the lying was forgiven and forgotten.

When finally forced to admit what he had long denied, that he had smoked crack cocaine, he said it was likely when he was “in a drunken stupor”

For extensive coverage of Mayor Rob Ford, click here. 

Immediately the phrase set off an internet meme. As hilarious as it is, it also plays directly to his Everyman strategy.

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Who among us hasn’t been in a drunken stupor?

The mayor is just like you and me.   Although when you were puking in the bushes or making an awkward pass, Rob Ford, the leader of the largest city in Canada, was allegedly hanging out with criminals and smoking crack.  And then tried to deny it for six months.

Who better to ask about drunken stupors and making unwise choices than university students?

Find out the stupor secrets of others in Focus on You.

Focus Ontario airs Saturday at 530 and Sunday 1130.

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