
Ontario town holds Christmas in October for terminally ill boy

ST. GEORGE, Ont. – An Ontario community went all out to grant a last wish to a terminally ill boy, putting on an early Christmas parade this weekend.

Seven-year-old Evan Leversage suffers from an inoperable brain tumour and doctors aren’t sure if he’ll live to see this holiday season.

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He made a wish list of things he wanted to do, and Christmas was one of them.

READ MORE: Ontario town creates ‘one last Christmas’ for terminally ill boy

Residents in his hometown of St. George near Brantford answered his wish and put on an early Christmas parade for Evan last night.

It was complete with floats, decorations and even artificial snow at Evan’s home.

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Evan got to take part in the parade when Santa Claus came along and whisked him up on his sleigh that was part of the procession.

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