
Packages of sodium nitrite not circulating in Guelph: police

Sodium nitrite. Handout / Peel Regional Police

Ontario Provincial Police say they’ve issued a public safety warning about packages containing a potentially lethal substance being mailed to several people at risk.

Police said the packages contain sodium nitrite, a white, crystalline substance reportedly used as a food additive commonly found in processed meats.

Investigators said the substance may have been sent to more than a dozen communities across Ontario, adding it was distributed by mail and sold online.

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They said it may have also been sent to other parts of the world.

On Tuesday, Peel Regional Police said they arrested a 57-year-old man from Mississauga, who they believe to be responsible for providing the substance to people in Ontario.

He’s been charged with counselling or aiding suicide.

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CJOY News has spoken to Guelph police and they’ve confirmed no reports of the potentially lethal substance being sent in the area.

OPP said the names of businesses listed on the packages are labelled as coming from Imtime Cuisine, AmbuCA, Academic/ACademic, EscapeMode/escModeICemac.

Investigators said if anyone receives a package containing sodium nitrite or suspects it may contain the substance, they’re asked to call police.

with files from Global News’ Gabby Rodrigues


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