HALIFAX – A crowd of about 100 people, most wearing Guy Fawkes masks, marched through the streets of downtown Halifax on Tuesday to protest social injustices.
The Million Mask March, which coincides with Guy Fawkes Day, was held in cities around the world as part of the Anonymous movement. Demonstrations focused on the general theme of corporate and political corruption.
The march in Halifax was also dedicated to Rehtaeh Parsons, the Cole Harbour teen who took her own life after an alleged sexual assault and bullying.
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“I believe Rehtaeh would have loved me to be here,” said Parsons’ father, Glen Canning. “I think she would have liked this group and what these people have done for her.”
In the days and weeks following her death, members of the activist group brought attention to Rehtaeh’s case online and some began searching to uncover the alleged perpetrators.
Tuesday’s demonstration also focused on a wide range of issues including bullying, sexual violence, animal cruelty, the environment and fracking.
“There is no leadership or agenda — that’s not just something we say to be spooky. That’s for real,” said Anonymous member Jon Blanchard. “So there are many different communities that work together and that’s what Anonymous really is.”
“I see Anonymous being a matter of the people using their voice and their energy and their creativity in order to make positive change in the world,” said Krista Simon, one of four people who planned the march.
Organizers stressed they wanted the march to be peaceful. They worked with the city to obtain the proper permits and even thanked the Halifax Regional Police for their help with the event.
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