A few weeks after being doxxed and having anonymous trolls send armed London Police officers to her doorstep with false threats, Clara Sorrenti, a popular online streamer and a transgender woman, has been allegedly doxxed again.
“The hotel I was staying at got doxxed so I had to move hotels,” Sorrenti, a resident of London, Ont., told Global News.
This time the situation was less tense. Instead of police showing up at Sorrenti’s doorstep with guns drawn, it was multiple pizza-delivery men with deliveries in her name.
“Five different pizza companies sent pizzas to my hotel room in my (birth) name. Obviously, the pizza itself isn’t the problem. It’s the threat they send by telling me they know where I live and are willing to act on it in the real world,” Sorrenti said.
Despite moving out of her apartment and relocating to a hotel for safety reasons after the initial story went public, online trolls were able to track down where she sought safety, she said. Sorrenti, best known online as Keffals, often speaks about issues facing the LGTBQ2 community, specifically the transgender community.
The popular twitch streamer went public earlier this month with news that she had been arrested at gunpoint by the London Police Service (LPS). At the time, police showed up to Sorrenti’s home after multiple councillors had received death threats from someone impersonating Sorrenti, indicating that she would arrive at city hall and shoot cisgender people.

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After Sorrenti was arrested and held for over ten hours, police seized her computer and other electronic devices for several days. Eventually, LPS cleared Sorrenti of any and all wrongdoing.
As for how her location was compromised, Sorrenti is a bit unclear, but said it could be chalked up to a photo she posted of her cat.
“I decided to tell my supporters I was safe by posting a photo of my fiancee’s cat on our hotel bed. The people who have been harassing me (must have) spent hours looking at the bedsheets, cross-referencing them with every hotel in my city until they found a match,” she said.
London Police Service said they’re aware of the recent attempts made to doxx Sorrenti when was staying at a hotel. They said along with the initial attempt that resulted in the (prank calls), police are also investigating the second alleged doxxing attempt.
“We’re concerned,” said Trish McIntyre, deputy police chief London Police Service. “It’s harassment. Is it police’s responsibility to investigate those occurrences? 100%. We’re aware of them, they’re under investigation.”