CALGARY- News of a frosh week chant in Halifax that glorified rape and underage sex has some turning the spotlight to schools in Calgary.
The president of the Saint Mary’s University Student Association (SMUSA) has stepped down and two student organizers are facing disciplinary action, after an event where between 300 and 400 students chanted about non-consensual, underage sex.

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It’s back to class at the University of Calgary, where the Kappa Sigma fraternity says they plan to start recruiting soon—but hazing is strictly forbidden.
“It’s really depressing because someone does something like this, and then everyone suddenly thinks that we’re going to be doing all this crazy hazing stuff,” complains Derek Latif, outgoing president of the fraternity. “Some of it’s funny like dressing up in funny shirts and walking around—messed up stuff like that.”
The frat house has been in Calgary since the early 80s. While members have parties planned to welcome new recruits, they say they work strictly inside their brotherhood’s code of conduct.