An organization that helps feed vulnerable Montrealers in the south west has seen an outpouring of support after publicizing problems with its delivery truck last week.
Share the Warmth executive director Stephanie Taillon told Global News last Sunday that the food security of hundreds of south west residents was in danger after their truck broke down. With money extra tight during the coronavirus pandemic, they didn’t have the cash repair it or buy a new one.
“Ever since the report aired last Sunday, we received a lot of generous donations. We received $2,500 in a week,” said Taillon.

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She said Gravel Auto stepped forward and offered thousands of dollars worth of free inspections and repairs on the vehicle.
A 12-year-old donor also made a valuable contribution.
“That was the cutest thing,” said Taillon. “This boy David, who’s 12 years old, donated $30 from his birthday money for Share the Warmth and the repair of our truck, so, David, thank you so much. You’re such a kind, generous soul and you can work for us any time you want.”
While waiting for the truck to be repaired, Taillon and others have been delivering food in their own personal cars to make sure nobody goes hungry. With the generous donations, she thinks the organization should be all set with its transportation for the time being.