On Thursday night, after 37 days in the Big Brother: All-Stars house, Bayleigh Dayton became the fifth person to be voted out.
The 27-year-old was evicted by her fellow houseguests by a vote of nine to zero. Despite the avalanche of votes against her, and a new controversy brewing around the all-stars, Dayton was at peace with the outcome, telling ET Canada‘s Sangita Patel that she’s doing just fine.
“I feel like I have a great home to go home to, I have an amazing man waiting for me, and I am all right. I won in real life,” shared the Big Brother star.
READ MORE: Kaysar Ridha explains his ‘Big Brother: All-Stars’ pre-eviction speech
In the lead-up to her eviction, emotions ran deep, culminating in a heated exchange where she and her closest ally, Da’Vonne Rogers, faced off against Head of Household, Christmas.
“Even people within her alliance that I know now, came up to me afterward and were like, ‘You handled yourself very well. She will look the way that she will look, and what you did was seen and it was heard,'” Dayton revealed.
“It is unfortunate that is what happened, that people were told that they needed to calm down the situation, that she was just saying she expected us to behave a different way, how she brought in judgments of us from the past,” she admitted.
Continued Dayton: “It is what it is but you know what, all I can do is account for my actions and my intentions.”
READ MORE: Da’Vonne Rogers shares powerful Black Lives Matter message before eviction vote

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Even while on the chopping block, she and her “untouchable” stuck together, continuing to draw attention to the Black Lives Matter movement.
“So now, we go into the house with these heightened emotions and now everybody in the house is already aware. So, you can look at people and you can see what kind of decisions they make, you see the actions that they’re taking and then you compare them to their real-life and you can point out, ‘Hey, this time I’m not going to let you get away with that microaggression, I’m going to educate you.'”
READ MORE: ‘Big Brother All-Stars’: Alliances torched in dramatic eviction
Back inside the house, the drama didn’t stop, with several houseguests under fire for allegedly insulting their housemate Ian Terry, who’s on the autism spectrum.
Terry has said that sometimes he rocks back and forth as a self-soothing technique, which Memphis Garrett was seen mocking on the live feeds as Abbott, Dani Briones and Nicole Franzel laughed.
Recently evicted houseguests Janelle Pierzina and Kaysar Ridha both called out the incident on Twitter, and while Dayton wasn’t involved she says she would’ve spoken up.
“Especially because things are heightened, and I feel like quarantine added to that, the social climate, everything that’s going on, he’s experiencing extreme anxiety in the house,” she shared.
“There are certain people, unfortunately, that may make fun of him. And that’s wrong. I feel terrible hearing that,” added Dayton.
READ MORE: RELATED: ‘Big Brother: All-Stars’ evictee Janelle calls out fellow houseguest Nicole F.
Check out our full interview with the BB star below, where she opens up about her relationship with Tyler Crispen and more.
Tune in to new episodes of ‘Big Brother: All-Stars’ Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays at 8 p.m. ET/PT on Global.