
Montreal police chief rolls out 29th annual Sun Youth Bike Patrol

MONTREAL – The director of Montreal’s police force inaugurated the 29th consecutive year of the Sun Youth bike patrol on Thursday morning.

Marc Parent was on hand to officially swear in 28 patrollers who will be assigned to 13 neighbourhood police stations across the Island of Montreal, including the West Island.

The patrol unit, which includes four teenagers, starts its beat on June 10 and runs until August 16.

The purpose of the bike patrol on the city’s streets, bike paths, parks and playgrounds, is to emphasize a sense of safety and community. Each patroller has been trained in first aid and other public safety skills.

While they may represent a diverse group of young people, each with their own story and cultural and educational backgrounds, the patrollers all share one thing: a desire to work hard at bettering their community.

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The bike patrol unit will also give seminars on public and bicycle safety and be a presence at festivals, community events and local fundraisers for local organizations.

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