
Rain rain go away! How to protect your basement from water damage

CALGARY- The recent deluge of rain has led to flooding concerns in a number of Calgary homes, especially those near the Elbow and Bow rivers.

A crack in a home’s foundation or ground water seepage can lead to unexpected leaks, and experts say timing is everything.

“You have about 48 hours before you have a potential for mould growth, so you really want to get that structure drying within that timeframe,” explains Mike Brant, mitigation manager for Service Master. “If you leave it longer than that, you have the potential for mould growth.”

He adds that homeowners should check their basement regularly this weekend, and move valuable items to higher ground.

“That water will spread, so anything that you really care about, get it out of the way.”

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It’s also important to ensure down spouts are pointed away from a home’s foundation.

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