
U.S. border fee proposal rejected

Not only is the federal government breathing a sigh of relief after a U.S. Senate committee rejected a proposal to collect fees at land border crossings — so is the Surrey Board of Trade. The fees would have damaged the Canadian and U.S. economies according to the Surrey Board of Trade. .

Government House Leader Peter Van Loan says he’s pleased the potential fees have been quashed.  He says they would have damaged the Canadian and U.S. economies.  The U.S. Department of Homeland Security had wanted Congress to authorize the study of a fee that could be collected from everyone entering the U.S. from Canada and Mexico.

But yesterday, the Senate judiciary committee voted to amend the Immigration Reform Bill to ban such a fee.

The fight, however, isn’t quite over.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture last week also recommended imposing fees for inspections of agricultural products, commercial aircraft, rail cars, ships and even passenger baggage.


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