
Saskatchewan’s unemployment rate remains lowest in country, job growth rate up

The latest Manpower Employment Outlook survey found that Canadian hiring prospects for the third quarter are slightly less positive than a year ago. File/Global News

OTTAWA – Saskatchewan’s unemployment rate remains the lowest in Canada.

Statistics Canada reported today April’s unemployment rate in the province was 4.0 per cent, a slight increase from 3.9 the previous month but down 0.9 percentage points from the same period last year.

Regina and Saskatoon led the nation for the lowest unemployment rates last month for major cities at 3.5 and 3.7 per cent respectively.

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The number of jobs increased by 16,400 from April 2012, with 553,200 employed last month, the highest employment level ever recorded for the month of April.

However, that was down 0.9 percent from March when 554,700 were employed.

Of those employed, 453,900 were working in full-time positions, another record for April but down from the 458,100 full-time positions the previous month.

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Nationally, the unemployment remained unchanged at 7.2 per cent with 12,500 new jobs added to the economy.

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