
Lavish bash featuring backyard chopper landings ruffles feathers in Anmore

Click to play video: 'Huge Anmore party raises questions about rental properties'
Huge Anmore party raises questions about rental properties
WATCH: A huge, lavish party featuring helicopter landings in the normally-quiet community of Anmore is raising questions about rental properties. John Hua reports – Jun 5, 2019

The mayors of two small, seaside Metro Vancouver communities are raising concerns in the wake a ritzy party on the weekend featuring helicopters, supercars, bottles and models.

The event, which was first reported in the Tri City News, was organized by Justin Plosz, who describes himself as the owner of networking and advertising company Public Relations Canada.

According to Plosz’s social media posts, the lavish Saturday event on Birch Wynde in the Village of Anmore featured 1,700 cans of booze, 526 ounces of whiskey, 333 attendees, seven supercars, six police cars, five hypercars, three helicopters, two ambulances and one fire truck.

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Coquitlam RCMP confirm that it attended the party at least twice, once over a noise complaint, and once for an overdose. It said the overdose victim was resuscitated and refused further medical help.

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“The company is networking people and places, products and services,” he said.

“I took everything that I do from tattoos, models, deejays, real estate, cars, vacations, events — I jammed it all into one event and it just became a networking frenzy,” he said.

Plosz said he has since moved out of the massive rental home, but acknowledged some of his team members have a property in neighbourhing Belcarra which he wouldn’t rule out using for his next event — one that could feature monster trucks.

“I wanna crunch some cars. Or maybe a hovercraft there or something,” he said.

“Basically I want to bring back the old-school mentality when Houdini turned upside down in a straitjacket and absolutely everybody in the community showed up.”

The helicopters, noise complaints and overdose call have Anmore Mayor John McEwan upset.

There was two helicopters landed in the backyard of a private residence. There was a party of about 300-plus people. There was copious amounts of drunken nudity going on,” he said.

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“We have all the identifications from the helicopters. We are under the impression that they are not allowed to come within a 300-foot ceiling of houses here unless an emergency. And definitely not allowed to land within a very small footprint to the backyard.”

McEwan said the helicopter issue would be addressed at Tuesday’s council meeting to ensure it doesn’t happen again, and the city would be looking at how off-shore homeowners vet the tenants that occupy their rental properties.

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Belcarra Mayor Neil Belenkie said the way the party was done in Anmore was “not acceptable.”

But he said Belcarra was willing to work with Plosz to have a large-scale event “within the context of our existing rules and responsibilities” with a special one-off permit.

“They’re well enough funded that we would look, for example, the other way, for example, for a $500,000 party night permit,” Belenkie said.

“We would negotiate how to make it work if it can be done properly. For example, helicopters may not be possible, but if they are, and they want us to facilitate it, there’s the possibility of us even organizing a special barge for them to land them on and it becomes a million-dollar permit. And I say that in all seriousness, everything has a price.”

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For his part, Plosz rejected criticism of the event, saying “you can’t keep everybody happy,” and that “it’s pretty hard to stop three helicopters from landing in your backyard when you’re not driving them.

“That house in that community pays a lot of taxes,” he added, when asked about the cost of having first responders called to the home.

We definitely got our money’s worth there. If you’re worried about the resources, the taxes on that house definitely paid for the resources over and over again.”

He said various neighbours came over to tell him they enjoyed watching the party unfold, along with kids who enjoyed watching the helicopters and supercars.

As for Belcarra’s offer to negotiate a special event permit, Plosz said he was “open to it.”

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