
8 powerful images from the Texas fertilizer plant explosion

The ground shook with the strength of a small earthquake when a fertilizer plant in West, Texas, exploded Wednesday evening. Police say the blast killed 5 to 15 people and injured more than 160 others.

Below are some images of the aftermath of the explosion.

Firefighters use flashlights to search a destroyed apartment complex near the fertilizer plant explosion. (AP Photo)

An injured elderly person is assisted by two young males as a nursing home is evacuated on April 17, 2013. (AP Photo). (AP Photo)

READ MORE: 5 to 15 people killed in Texas explosion; more than 160 hurt

A fire burns at a fertilizer plant in West, Texas after an explosion Wednesday April 17, 2013. (AP Photo). AP Photos

People describe last night’s blast that levelled homes and businesses for blocks around as feeling like an earthquake and say it sent flames shooting into the sky.

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“They are still getting injured folks out and they are evacuating people from their homes,” Waco police Sgt. William Patrick Swanton said early Thursday morning. He added later, “At some point this will turn into a recovery operation, but at this point, we are still in search and rescue.”

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Shattered glass covers items in the front of a thrift show after the West Fertilizer Company exploded late Wednesday night. (Getty Images)

A person looks on as emergency workers fight a house fire after a nearby fertilizer plant exploded. (Getty Images)

Blown out plate glass windows lay shattered on the sidewalk. (Getty Images)

With smoke rising in the distance, a law enforcement officer runs a check point at the perimeter about half a mile from the West Fertilizer Company April 18, 2013 in West, Texas. (Getty Images)

Baylor University student’s hold a candle light vigil outside Waco Hall for the victim’s of the West fertilizer plant explosion, Wednesday, April 17, 2013. (AP Photo)

– With files from The Associated Press


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