
UCP Leader Jason Kenney and Ontario Premier Doug Ford to hold anti-carbon tax rally in Calgary

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Jason Kenney and Doug Ford to hold anti-carbon tax rally in Calgary
WATCH ABOVE: UCP leader Jason Kenney has invited Ontario Premier Doug Ford to Alberta, where next week, they will hold a "Scrap the Carbon Tax rally" in Calgary. Kent Morrison explains – Sep 28, 2018

Alberta’s United Conservative Party has invited Ontario Premier Doug Ford to Calgary for a “Scrap The Carbon Tax Rally.”

The UCP has posted an image on Twitter of its leader Jason Kenney and Ford to promote the Oct. 5 event.

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READ MORE: Hundreds of Albertans protest carbon tax at second legislature rally

Kenney, the leader of Alberta’s Opposition, has promised to repeal the province’s carbon tax if his party wins the 2019 spring election.

He has also pledged to fight any attempt by Ottawa to impose a national price on carbon.

READ MORE: Kenney returns to Ottawa as wing man in Tories’ fight against carbon tax

Watch below: (from March 22, 2018) Alberta Opposition Leader Jason Kenney reacts to the Alberta NDP’s plan to increase the carbon tax.

Click to play video: 'Kenney calls carbon tax increase ‘reliable increase in cost of living’'
Kenney calls carbon tax increase ‘reliable increase in cost of living’

Ford’s new Progressive Conservative government is challenging the federal government’s carbon pricing plan in court.

A United Conservative party official says both leaders will give speeches at the rally.

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LISTEN: Jason Kenney joins Danielle Smith to preview his anti-carbon tax rally with Doug Ford

Lori Williams, an associate professor of policy studies at Calgary’s Mount Royal University, said she’s not surprised Kenney would host a rally against a tax that’s unpopular with so many people, but said bringing in Ford comes with some “political risk.”

“I think the risk here is bringing Doug Ford, who is associated with some pretty major controversies recently, and having him come to Alberta,” she said.

“That might be appealing to certain elements of the sort of core UCP supporters — people that are certainly further to the political right on the spectrum — [but] for more centrist Albertans, I’m not sure this is going to be appealing.

“I don’t see particularly the gain or how he’s (Kenney) going to broaden his base of support by bringing in a controversial figure like Doug Ford.”

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READ MORE: Ontario government to make ‘major announcement’ on Drive Clean vehicle emissions testing

Watch below: Some Global News videos about Ontario Premier Doug Ford.

Williams said she believes the anti-carbon tax rally highlights an ongoing political dispute between Kenney and Canada’s prime minister.

READ MORE: Jason Kenney stands by saying Trudeau ‘can’t read a briefing note longer than a cocktail napkin’

“This is part of a bigger narrative of opposing, I would say, the carbon tax in union with other premiers, but perhaps even more importantly, challenging (Prime Minister) Justin Trudeau,” she said. “It’s quite clear that Jason Kenney is focused on campaigning against Justin Trudeau and has been for some time and at times, as we’ve seen, [it’s looked] quite personal.”
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–With files from Global News’ Phil Heidenreich

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