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Heat wave hits Quebec farmers where it hurts — right in the crops

Wed, Aug 29: This summer's record heat and humidity mixed with a lack of rain have been devastating for local farmers and their crops. As Global's Cora MacDonald reports, many are hoping the balmy weather will let up – Aug 29, 2018

This summer has seen record-breaking heat and humidity across Quebec and it has especially been devastating for fruit and vegetable crops.

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According to Phil Quinn, the owner/operator of Quinn Farm, they haven’t seen two inches of rain since early May.

He added the sun is literally roasting the vegetation on his farm to death.

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“We’ve got maple trees defoliating and oak trees dying — trees that are hundreds of years old dying — we are seriously thinking of not tapping the maple trees next spring,” Quinn said.

He insisted the weather woes have cost him over $200,000 since the beginning of the season, considering he had to put in a new water well in order to ensure the success of his future fare.

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Environment Canada meteorologist Alexandre Parent told Global News it isn’t necessarily greener in other parts of the province.

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“When you look at the map, all of the Saint Lawrence Valley, it’s in deficit of 25 to roughly 40 per cent of rainfall for the summer,” Parent said.

During a normal summer, Parent said the province should see between 300 and 350 millimetres of rain but claimed that this year, only received between 200 and 250 millimetres.


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