
Federal government outlines goals in Generation Energy report

Federal Minister of Natural Resources Jim Carr released the Generation Energy report in Winnipeg on Thursday. File/The Canadian Press

The federal government released its goals to make Canada a cleaner, greener country.

Canada’s Minister of Natural Resources Jim Carr was in Winnipeg on Thursday to release the Generation Energy report.

“It’s not so much a blueprint as it is the North Star. It’s aspirational, this is where we want to be. And now, it’s up to all of us to determine how to get there.”

The report outlines four transition routes to a low-carbon economy — energy efficiency, clean power, renewable fuels and cleaner oil and gas.

Report co-author Phillipe Dunsky says one milestone is net-zero construction Canada-wide by 2040. That’s where homes produce as much power as they consume.

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“You’re looking at walls that are thicker, that have more insulation in them, that are much better built, much more durable, better quality, no leakage of air,” he said.

“That stuff gets tested in the construction process. It’s a process that builders across Canada know how to do, but are not doing today, and we need to get there.​”

According to the report, Canadians lose two-thirds of their energy to waste.

The report was put together by a council of 14 volunteer members, and sets goals for Canada’s future in energy going forward.

Minister Carr said the report will be discussed at this summer’s conference in Iqaluit, where provincial and federal energy ministers will gather to talk about the future of Canadian energy.

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