
For $4,410 per guest, you can stay at this Haida Gwaii floating lodge — once it’s towed there

Click to play video: 'Luxury B.C. resort about to set sail'
Luxury B.C. resort about to set sail
WATCH: A new luxury resort is about to open in B.C.'s Haida Gwaii. But as Aaron McArthur reports, the owners have to get it there first – Apr 26, 2018

Ocean House is embarking on a long journey before it reaches its final destination in Haida Gwaii.

And if you wish to stay at this high-end resort, you too will have to make a trek: a plane ride up the coast to the head of Stads K’uns Gawga, a remote location on the west coast of Moresby Island.

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Ocean House is a floating wilderness lodge that aims to provide guests with a retreat, a spa and an experience “complemented with Haida history and cultural education.”

Guests can enjoy guided treks through the rainforest among “towering, ancient cedars” and watch “rare marine performances” from “waters teeming with life.”

And that’s saying nothing of the food. Ocean House guests will also enjoy a dining experience with local ingredients and a menu that changes regularly.

PHOTOS: Will and Kate canoe and fish on royal visit to Haida Gwaii

The resort is being operated by the Haida Enterprise Corporation (HaiCo), which is focusing on sustainable and cultural tourism.

“We think it’s a showcase for what can be done in the future on Haida Gwaii,” said CEO Bob Brash.

“We’d like to expand upon this and provide an increased diversity of experiences to people in the future.”

Ocean House will never accommodate more than 24 guests at once.

There are no roads in the area, and you can only fly in and out if you want to go there.

Ocean House promotes three main packages on its website.

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The cheapest of them, a three-night package, goes for $4,410 per guest. A weeklong package costs $8,810 per guest.

A pillow with a First Nation design. Global News

This isn’t the only lodge that HaiCo operates.

The company also runs Haida House at Tllal, on the east coast of Graham Island.

It too offers a relaxing cultural experience.

“We’re involved because that’s our home and we want to be in control of what happens in our lands and our waters,” said Cliff Fregin, HaiCo’s chair.

Ocean House expects to begin hosting guests in early June, with the season running until September.

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It’s sure to offer a short window on an experience unlike anything that’s been seen on Haida Gwaii.

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