
Bill Kelly: Ontario PCs need a game plan

Christine Elliott, Doug Ford and Caroline Mulroney (left to right) are currently in the race to lead the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party. File / The Canadian Press / Global News

In their haste to become leader of the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party and perhaps become the next premier, the three major contenders for the job seem to have forgotten a critical element in their attempt to win the hearts and minds of Ontario voters: namely, a platform.

Christine Elliott, Doug Ford, and Caroline Mulroney have all given a thumbs down to the idea of a carbon tax, and I’m sure that plays well to the conservative base.

But that carbon tax and its $4 billion of revenue was the funding source for the Tories’ campaign promises, including an income tax cut for Ontario voters.

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One option is to scale back on the election promises, but that may not be a sound strategy heading into a tight election campaign.

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Another option is to promise to find “efficiencies” in government spending, which is the same well-worn promise that everyone who has ever run for political office has made and we know how that works out.

WATCH BELOW: Ontario PC Party leadership race pushes ahead amid disputed candidate nominations

Click to play video: 'Ontario PC Party leadership race pushes ahead amid disputed candidate nominations'
Ontario PC Party leadership race pushes ahead amid disputed candidate nominations

Are the Ontario Tories “new and improved,” with innovative ideas to woo voters, or are they the same party that snatched defeat from the jaw of victory in the last two elections?

One thing is for sure — they don’t have much time to convince us either way.

Bill Kelly is the host of Bill Kelly Show on Global News 900 CHML and a commentator for Global News.

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