
Quebec language police ease up on use of some English words by francophones

The Montreal offices of the OQLF - the Office québécois de la langue française, - Quebec's so-called "language police.". Karol Dahl/Global News

Quebec’s language watchdog is allowing more anglicisms to creep into the French language.

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The Office québécois de la langue française (OQLF) recently updated a policy that deals with linguistic spillovers.

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Words like “hashtag,” “parking” and “grilled cheese” are considered acceptable in everyday conversation by francophones in Quebec.

WATCH BELOW: OQLF vs. businesses

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Using the English or French equivalent of the words are both considered acceptable.

READ MORE: Le Pois Penché gets notice from OQLF over English stickers

Under the policy, English language words – or words from other languages – become acceptable based on a number of criteria, including their general usage in French in Quebec.

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