
Warning for Honda owners after a rash of auto thefts

Edmonton Police are warning drivers to secure their vehicles, after a rash of auto thefts this past weekend. It appears late model Honda vehicles are being targeted.

This past weekend the thefts were concentrated in southwest Edmonton, but police warn drivers across the city to take precautions.

Seven late model honda Civics and CRV’s were stolen from residents living in communities south of Whitemud drive. The model years were 1992 to 2002. In these cases, police say the thieves were using a shaved or modified key to gain entry.

“Criminals have modified the keys. Those late model vehicles are easily accessed, they don’t have the security chip in them, as the newer models have,” explains Scott Pattison with Edmonton Police Services Communications.

Owners are encouraged to secure their vehicles with an auto theft device, such as a steering wheel lock and park in a garage or well lit area.


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