
CN Tower, One World Trade Center lit red, white and blue to honour France

Following the deadly attacks that left upwards of 120 people dead Friday in Paris, two of the tallest towers in North America are lighting their city skylines with the colours of France.

Toronto’s CN Tower lit up red, white and blue Friday night paying respect to the tragedy in Paris, the deadliest attack in the country since the Second World War.

At Nathan Phillips Square, Toronto mayor John Tory also tweeted a pic of the sign in front of city hall lit up with France’s colours.

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In New York City, One World Trade Center’s 408-foot spire top was also shining the colours of France’s flag.

It is the second time this year that Toronto and New York City have displayed France’s red, white and blue in their skyline to honour to the country. In January, New York’s Empire State building and the CN Tower both paid homage to the victims of the massacre at the Charlie Hebdo satirical magazine office.

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