WINNIPEG — Mynarski ward councillor, Ross Eadie has issued an apology to the Winnipeg Public Service workers who encountered his ‘inappropriate drunkenness’ Friday night.
“This apology goes out to the taxi driver who picked me up when my friend hailed the taxi,” Eadie said.
Eadie issued the statement Monday morning after reports surfaced that he spent the night in the drunk tank of the Main Street Project.
But the councillor also questions why the mayor’s office was notified.
“I realize I am a public figure in a political office, but it is troublesome to me that my non-criminal personal activity was directed to the Mayor’s office,” wrote Eadie in the statement.

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Eadie said he understands protocol was followed. If the police are called and there is no one at your home that can take care of you, it is standard procedure to take the person to the Main St. Project.
Eadie admitted this has happened at least once before where police were called. However, at that time there was a spouse at home so he was taken there.
The Mynarski councillor said he feels it was a breach of privacy that the mayor was called but said he will not be pursuing the matter further.
Meantime, an ethics professor with the University of Manitoba said it was inappropriate for police to call the mayor’s office.
“It’s completely unprofessional,” said Arthur Schafer. “It’s inappropriate for police to call someone’s workplace or employer in this situation.”
Police are not commenting on what occurred that night.
Below is Eadie’s account of what he says transpired.
“On Friday night, early Saturday morning, I first had some drinks with people at the Kingshead. I then went on to a wonderful art exhibition at the Urban Shawman where I purchased some art. From there, I ran into a friend and proceeded to drink far too much alcohol. This friend put me into a taxi sometime after the bar closed for the night. At this point, I am not sure what happened, but I am quite sure I would have passed out in the taxi at which time I would call the police if I were a taxi driver. Being totally blind, and woken up disoriented, I would have reacted belligerently toward anyone trying to prevent me from going home.
The Winnipeg Public Service would have done the job they are charged with by not letting me go home without someone to watch over me. I live on my own. Therefore, I was taken to the Main Street Project who do a great job at ensuring people who are too drunk are safe. Thanks to the staff who work there for taking care of me. Thank you also goes out to the homeless fellow who guided me to my office to pick up my brief case before going home.
My personal life is not my public life in my mind, but There are certain times of the year I struggle with depression. None of this activity has an effect on my doing the job as a city councillor, and I want to say most people know I work very hard at representing the residents who live in Mynarski. To my voters, I just want to say:
I did not intend to perturb any of you with my over drinking, but this matter has become public. I will continue to work on ensuring your life’s in the Mynarski Ward are enjoyable. There are some very difficult issues coming up in the 2016 budget, and I will do my best to educate my colleagues on City Council as to why the services we receive are so very important.”