
Kelowna Mountie on trial for alleged criminal assault during arrest

KELOWNA – A Kelowna RCMP officer is on trial on one count of common assault.

Cst. Grant Jacobson was charged after he threw a man to the ground and punched him several times during an arrest at a downtown pub in June 2014.

“It was police brutality, police assault,” says complainant John McCormick. “I had bruises all over my body and cuts all over my back and face.”

Jacobson testified an intoxicated and beligarent McCormick was ignoring demands to leave the pub at closing time and grabbed for his service pistol.

The officer says he feared for his life and for the safety of others in the vicinity.

But McCormick denies reaching for the firearm.

“I did not do that. Do I look stupid, going for a police officer’s gun? He’s a disgrace to good cops.”

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Two of Jacobson’s fellow RCMP officers testified Tuesday.

One said he’s a good cop. The other said Jacobson is calm, kind and patient with the public under stressful situations.

“You can’t fight the police force. They’re all buddy buddies. They look after themselves,” responds McCormick.

After two days, the trial has been adjourned to a later date for continuation.

When it resumes, the prosecutor will cross-examine Jacobson.

The officer remains on the job in a fully operational role.

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