
Lost stuffed bunny goes on tour of Halifax museum, trends on Twitter

WATCH: The search is on for the owner of a stuffed toy bunny and a Halifax museum is taking a unique approach to reunite the pair. Ross Lord has the story.

HALIFAX – A museum in Halifax has turned a lost stuffed animal into a full-blown — and totally adorable — social media campaign.

On Monday, the Museum of Natural History tweeted that it was kicking off Twitter’s international Museum Week by giving a new friend dubbed “Found Bunny” a tour of the facility.

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The bunny, which was found in the museum and still not reunited with its owner as of 4 p.m., was the subject of a series of photos shared by the @NS_Museum account.

Before the morning was over, the hashtag #foundbunny was trending on Twitter as people applauded the museum’s creative efforts.

Here are some of the bunny’s adventures as chronicled by the museum’s Twitter account throughout the day:

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