
Ex-minister Tomassi a no-show as fraud case opens

QUEBEC – A former member of Premier Jean Charest’s cabinet has hired two high-profile Quebec criminal lawyers to mount a defence against charges of fraud and breach of trust.

Tony Tomassi emerged Monday after weeks of silence to announce he will continue representing the east-end Montreal district of LaFontaine during the legal proceedings.

In a statement released Monday, Tomassi said he’d retained the services of Pierre Poupart and Joseph La Leggia, two well-known Quebec criminal lawyers.

Poupart is best known for defending Guy Turcotte in a trial that captivated Quebec.

The cardiologist became a household name after he admitted to fatally stabbing his two children, while saying he didn’t remember actually committing the act because he was too distraught over the breakup of his marriage. A jury found Turcotte not criminally responsible in a decision that caused outrage in Quebec earlier this year.

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La Leggia, who recently announced he was taking a leave of absence after being beaten up near his home, is also a defence attorney with a long history of practicing criminal law.

Tomassi was formally charged with fraud and breach of trust Monday. His next court date was set for early January.

Tomassi is accused of accepting material rewards from security company BCIA, which had received millions in government grants.

The Montreal-area legislator was forced to resign from cabinet last year after he had reportedly been using a credit card provided by the now-defunct company.

According to the charges, the alleged crimes occurred between Nov. 1, 2007, and May 6, 2010.

Tomassi said that, after meeting with the lawyers, he intends to make no further comments during the legal proceedings against him.

“We live in a society of laws where the presumption of innocence exists and I intend to uphold my rights,” Tomassi said.

“Rest assured that I will make no statement, or make any comment in relation to the actual case, and this, throughout the judicial process.”

Tomassi also called on fellow members of the Quebec legislature and the people of his riding to allow for the process to carry out in a court of law.

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“I ask the people in my riding and my colleagues in the national assembly to trust in the legal system that governs us, which provides that everyone has the right to a fair and equitable defence,” Tomassi said.

The Crown says that at Tomassi’s next court date, he will determine whether he intends to have a trial before a jury or by judge alone.

Tomassi has sat as an independent since being fired by Charest last May, when a provincial police investigation was triggered.

After making a brief appearance in September, the much-maligned former minister has not been seen in the legislature since charges were announced in October.

The accusations against Tomassi represent the latest ethics embarrassment to hit the scandal-plagued Charest government.

Tomassi was involved in several controversies during his time in office.

The former family minister has also been battered with allegations of cronyism in the awarding of contracts for public day-care permits.

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