
Video shows two groups of youths fighting in Abbotsford temple parking lot

WATCH: Video of a fight between two groups of young men in Abbotsford has police renewing a warning to the community about public safety

VANCOUVER – Police in Abbotsford are warning the public once again about the escalation of youth violence in the community after a video surfaced depicting two groups fighting in broad daylight.

Police issued their first warning about the youth violence in the city back in June and have warned the public a few times since then. They were so concerned they put up surveillance cameras to keep an eye on the areas where the most gatherings were happening, but that does not seem to have deterred a fight a few weeks ago.

The brawl happened in the parking lot of the Sikh Temple in the Blueridge area of Abbotsford. Police think it happened at least three weeks ago but the video has only just surfaced. It has police concerned for a few reasons; it happened in the middle of the day, at a temple in a residential area and no one called the police.

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WATCH: As Randene Neill explains the fight is believed to be connected to an on-going conflict that first got police attention last May

A gun can also be seen on the ground in the video and on Sunday, police said they recovered a very realistic replica weapon about half a block away, and do believe it is the firearm seen in the video.

Abbotsford Police handout.

Police are now in the process of examining the video and have already identified several people who are known to them. It could eventually lead to criminal charges.

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“[It’s] obviously a concern for us because for some time we have been telling the community about this ongoing conflict involving youth in that area,” said Cst. Ian MacDonald, public information officer for the Abbotsford Police Department.

“Obviously a huge concern to the Abbotsford Police is to determine whether we have ongoing public safety outside of this conflict itself.”

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In the past there have already been several assaults, homes and cars damaged, and road rage incidents in connection to groups of youths.

“Part of our frustration is the fact that we know that a lot of people are making a tremendous effort to try and resolve this conflict,” said MacDonald. “But on the other hand you end up with a large dispute, maybe 30 to 40 young men gathered outside a temple in broad daylight, and it doesn’t generate a call to police.”

WATCH: Community advocate Amir Javid talks to Global News about how youth violence can attract the attention of gang recruiters



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