TORONTO – A police sergeant in Hamilton, Ont. apologized Monday night for a tweet that “offended many” following the apparent suicide of Oscar-winning actor Robin Williams.
Just hours after the world learned of the death of the 63-year-old actor, officer Jay Turner sent a tweet critical of Williams.
“Dear Robin Williams: I truly wish you could have chosen to set a better example for those suffering with mental health challenges, Jay.”
The tweet has since been deleted.
“Sgt. Turner’s comment was an expression of his personal view. He has apologized for the unintentional impact that his comment may have had,” said Cst. Debbie McGreal-Dinning, Hamilton Police spokesperson, in an email to Global News.
“As a service, we believe that the stigma of mental illness can only be reduced by engaging in courageous conversation and encouraging those suffering from mental illness to reach out and access the services available to them. ”
Williams was found unconscious in his California home Monday morning and was pronounced dead just after 12:00 noon PT. According to the actor’s publicist, Williams had been battling severe depression.
Turner sent the tweet just before 10:00 p.m. from an official Hamilton Police Twitter account and many followers responded, calling the tweet tasteless.
Some had the officer’s back.
Turner apologized again from both Hamilton Police Twitter feed as well as his personal account.