
WATCH: Local Fire Spinners Heat Up Tuesday Nights

Kelowna- Young performance artists are heating up Tuesday nights by putting on free fire spinning shows.

Lena Marie and Ashley Macivor are part of the Kelowna Fire Spinners, a group that twirls flaming batons and spins lit hula-hoops around their bodies.

It was just a few years ago that Marie suffered from a major fear of flames after watching her Grandfather fall in a campfire. A fellow hula-hooper encouraged her to try spinning with fire to get over her fear, a tactic that surprisingly worked.

Marie can recall the first time fire touched her skin.

“It was really intense. I thought I would feel heat right away, but it was more of a sizzle, the fire was eating the oil and it wasn’t burning my skin.

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Together with fellow fire spinners, Marie and Macivor perform free shows every Tuesday night in downtown Kelowna.

“Lately through-out the fire jams here, we’re generating more and more audience members, people clapping, cheering, bringing camera’s, getting super excited and amped,” says Marie.

The public can check out the Kelowna Fire Spinners every Tuesday night at sunset in Kerry Park.

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