
Caught on video: Vancouver Island Pride sidewalk vandalized twice

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Rainbow crosswalk vandalized outside school in Langford
Surveillance video shows multiple people spraying graffiti on a rainbow crosswalk outside a school in Langford on two separate nights. West Shore RCMP are searching for suspects after the crosswalk outside Spencer Middle School was vandalized on Monday and Tuesday.

A police investigation is underway in a small city on Vancouver Island after three people were seen on camera vandalizing a rainbow crosswalk.

On two separate occasions, West Shore RCMP said three suspects spray-painted graffiti onto a Pride crosswalk in Langford. Both incidents were captured on CCTV cameras.

The sidewalk is located in front of Spencer Middle School.

The first incident happened on Monday at 2:30 a.m.

The CCTV video shows the suspect walking onto the sidewalk, crouching down and spraying paint.

Police describe the suspect as wearing a dark-coloured hoodie with a ball cap, dark-coloured pants and hiking boots.

The second incident happened less than 24 hours later. On Tuesday around 11 p.m., two male suspects took turns spray-painting graffiti onto the sidewalk.

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Police describe on of them as a man with short hair. He was wearing brown shorts, a black T-shirt and a dark-coloured ball cap.

The final suspect is a man with long shoulder-length hair. He was wearing a sleeveless tank top with a large circular logo on the chest, dark-coloured pants and a ball cap.

“We’re hoping someone from the public will recognize these suspects,” Cpl. Nancy Saggar said.

“Swear words were written (on the sidewalk).”

Saggar said the incident is not being investigated as a hate crime.

Police said the crosswalk was put in place this year and in less than a year, there have now been four reported mischief incidents at the site.

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In the first two incidents, someone spread paint over the sidewalk.

Anyone with information is asked to contact West Shore RCMP at 250-474-2264.

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