
Synagogue arson suspect caught on video in Vancouver

Click to play video: 'Video of synagogue arson suspect released by Vancouver police'
Video of synagogue arson suspect released by Vancouver police
WATCH: Vancouver police have released video of a suspect wanted in the arson of the Schara Tzedeck Synagogue located at Oak Street and 18th Ave.

Vancouver police investigators have released two videos of a suspect related to a fire at a synagogue last month.

The two videos show different angles of what appears to be a male suspect walking up the synagogue’s front steps and igniting some sort of accelerant.

The incident happened on the evening of May 30, at the Schara Tzedeck Synagogue on Oak Street at West 18 Avenue.

“The suspect intentionally set fire to the entrance to the synagogue,” Const. Tania Visintin said.

“We have yet to identify the suspect. The videos (do) show the suspect walking up and lighting the fire.”

The fire was put out by members of the synagogue before it could spread or cause significant property damage, according to police.

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Click to play video: '‘Incendiary device’ thrown at Vancouver synagogue, federation says'
‘Incendiary device’ thrown at Vancouver synagogue, federation says

Investigators have released the two videos in hopes someone will recognize the suspect.

“Our major crime section immediately launched an investigation, and we have continued to collect and analyze evidence with hopes of identifying the person who committed this crime,” Visintin said at a press conference Wednesday.

Police describe the suspect as wearing a white ball cap, a dark grey jacket and a medical mask at the time of the incident.

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The man was also seen carrying a bottle of liquid, then fleeing the scene after the fire was lit.

Police are also looking to speak with the driver of a beige or silver minivan that was seen in the area at the time of the crime.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Vancouver police at 604-717-2541.

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Vancouver-based Rabbi Andrew Rosenblatt joined Visitin on Wednesday during the press conference.

He said antisemitism incidents has been increasing across the country and is leading to many concerns within the Jewish community.

“I speak to rabbis (across) Canada and I have spoken to several who have experienced other acts of violence, vandalism and antisemitism against their buildings,” he said.

“It is a very difficult thing to protect your building 24/7 against someone who would be brazen enough to come with some sort of accelerant and splash it on your building.

“This could be a pile of cinders … we are very grateful it is not.”

Rosenblatt said the community support the synagogue has received since the fire has been impactful.

“Many of our neighbours have offered us help and resources including volunteering to man a community watch in front of the synagogue in the middle of the night,” he said.

“This is a city that prides itself on law and order. There is somebody out there that may know this individual. We need your help. This is a crime against the entire city.”

Click to play video: 'Investigation into fire at Vancouver synagogue'
Investigation into fire at Vancouver synagogue

Immediately after the arson, the Jewish Federation of Greater Vancouver called the incident a “deliberate act of hate” and an “attempt to intimidate” the Jewish community.

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B.C. Premier David Eby called the fire a “disgusting act of antisemitism” that “has absolutely no place in B.C.”

“We stand with the Jewish community in B.C. and unequivocally condemn antisemitism and all forms of hatred,” he said.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also posted on social media regarding the incident.

“We cannot let this hate or these acts of violence stand. This is not the Canada we want to be.”

Vancouver Mayor Ken Sim called the incident a “heinous act of anti-Semitism.”

“This is an attack on a sacred place for Vancouver’s Jewish Community. To whoever has committed this crime, the VPD is using every resource they need to find and arrest you. We will not rest until you face justice,” Sim said in a statement.

Previously, Vancouver police said the incident was being investigated as a possible hate crime.

Click to play video: 'Fire set at Vancouver synagogue'
Fire set at Vancouver synagogue

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