
Elementary students surprise Edmonton seniors with ‘epic living space’

Click to play video: 'Elementary students give back to Edmonton seniors'
Elementary students give back to Edmonton seniors
A group of students from Father Leo Green Catholic Elementary School in north Edmonton are making dreams come true at a seniors' facility. The students have worked hard all year designing, budgeting, and shopping to create an epic living room and visiting space. Jaclyn Kucey shows us how it turned out. Brought to you by the United Way's Make Your Mark – May 23, 2024

Elementary students at Father Leo Green Catholic Elementary School gave some north Edmonton seniors a big surprise on Thursday.

“We decided to establish a thing called ‘epic living room’ so we would basically go and buy things for the seniors,” said Tiffanie Musangu, a Grade 6 student.

“Today’s the day that we’re putting it down so it’s possible for them to have a nice place, so that people feel more welcome to go visit their old grandma and grandpas.”

Last year, some of the students had the chance to help out the seniors at St. Michael’s Long Term Care Centre through what they called the hummingbird project.

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After seeing last year’s success, Rosalice Douti, a Grade 6 student, decided on the first day of this school year to make the project even bigger and include every student.

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“I’m proud we’re able to and make seniors have a smile on their face,” said Douti who, along with a team of students, organized budgets, grocery lists, and a design of what the final space would look like decorated with art and new books and board games.

The class hopes that through this project they can support seniors in their neighbourhood to maintain their physical and mental health and mitigate the negative effects of social isolation.

“It’s been really fun and amazing that we can be a part of this leadership opportunity and being able to do this stuff for the seniors,” said Alivia Franko, another Grade 6 student.

Judy Schutz has been a resident for three years. She said after the kids started popping in, it brought a new energy to the space.

“We tend to get a little bit selfish and grumpy in our old age,” Schutz admitted.

“When these beautiful young children come in to just give us themselves, their love, it just opens our world so much, it’s beautiful.”

Students from Father Leo Green Catholic Elementary School with residents of St. Michael’s Long Term Care Centre in north Edmonton. Global News

Throughout the school year students have visited once a week.

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“We paint with them, do crafts with them, talk with them and they share with us. It’s just a good all around fellowship time for us,” said Schutz.

She said the students have reminded the seniors “how to be happy.”

Click to play video: 'Father Leo Green students team up to help Edmonton’s vulnerable population'
Father Leo Green students team up to help Edmonton’s vulnerable population

The big presentation of the Epic Living Room space was a way to say farewell to the seniors before the end of the school year.

“We don’t believe that it’s just today or tomorrow or this year that we can help but it’s throughout their entire life,” said Charmante Masinda, a kindergarten teacher at the school.

“I hope it never stops, because it’s just so good to bring old and young together,” said Schutz.

For the last two years, the projects at Father Leo Green Catholic Elementary School have been supported through United Way’s Make Your Mark.

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Registration is now open for schools to submit their projects for the 2024/25 school year.

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