Find out what your workplace rights in British Columbia are, and how to defend them!
About the Employment Law Show
On the Employment Law Show (Sundays at 4 p.m. on CKNW) Vancouver employment lawyers Lia Moody and Lior Samfiru uncover the truth about employment law and the many workplace rights that employees have in British Columbia. Discover the truth about severance pay, wrongful dismissal, employment contracts, temporary layoffs, accommodation in the workplace, changes to terms of employment, and other important employment topics that employers don’t want you to know!
Have a question? Call the show live, or contact the team at 1-855-821-5900 or, or go to for more information.
Lior also hosts the Employment Law Show online and on Global BC! Watch episodes of the only program dedicated to employment rights in British Columbia, every Sunday at 1 p.m.
About Lior Samfiru & Lia Moody
Lior Samfiru and Lia Moody resolve workplace problems in Vancouver and across British Columbia. Lior is the founder of the Labour and Employment Law practice at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP, and Lia is managing partner of the firm’s downtown Vancouver office. Both provide sound and practical advice to both employees and employers with respect to all workplace concerns.
Samfiru Tumarkin LLP has successfully represented thousands of clients in British Columbia and is the most positively reviewed employment law firm in Canada (on Google).
To contact Lior or Lia about your employment law matter in Vancouver or Ontario, please call 1-855-821-5900, email, or visit
Articles on Global News
Samfiru Tumarkin LLP has partnered with Global News to provide up-to-date facts, information and reaction to trending topics on your employment and long term disability rights in BC! Read our latest articles.
Pocket Employment Lawyer
The Pocket Employment Lawyer allows employees across Canada to find out more about their employment situation. Lior’s free interactive guide will tell somebody if their workplace rights have been violated by their employer, and what they can do about it. Visit to find out if you have a case in British Columbia.
Severance Pay Calculator
The Severance Pay Calculator is the anonymous, accurate and free way to quickly calculate the termination pay (severance package) required for an employee let go from a job in British Columbia.
Long Term Disability Claim Denied?
If the insurance company has denied your long term disability claim for any reason, you need to contact Disability Lawyer Sivan Tumarkin immediately to determine what your rights are in British Columbia, and how to get the money that the insurance company owes you. Sivan once worked for insurance companies. Now he and his team work for you, securing your rights and getting you the compensation you need to live your life.
Find out more about your long term disability rights by listening to the Disability Law Show every Saturday at 4 p.m. on CKNW, or by watching the Disability Law Show every Saturday at 1 p.m. on Global BC.