
Patti Sonntag
Investigative Journalist

Patti Sonntag is an investigative journalist for Global News. She led several national collaborative investigations in her previous position as founder and director of the Institute for Investigative Journalism. These include “Tainted Water” (“Le plomb dans l’eau potable au Québec”), “The Price of Oil,” “Clean Water, Broken Promises” (“La promesse de l’eau”), and others that won more than two dozen honors and changed laws and policies locally and from coast to coast.

She returned to Canada in 2018, after serving as managing editor in The New York Times’ News Services division for 10 years. In that position, she directed work on more than 60 news feeds for 1,100 media companies worldwide and on opinion and analysis sections for the international edition. She lives in Montreal, Que., and Fernie, B.C.


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