
New dog Sunny joins Obamas at White House

WASHINGTON – Watch out, Bo – there’s a new dog in town.

The White House says the Obamas have added a second dog to the first family. Her name is Sunny, and she’s a Portuguese Water Dog – the same breed as the Obamas’ other dog, Bo. The White House says that breed works well for the Obamas because of family allergies.

READ MORE: 13 photos of U.S. presidential pets

Sunny was born a year ago in June in Michigan and arrived at the White House Monday.

She’s expected to join Bo for evening walks and the occasional Oval Office huddle with the president.

The White House says the Obamas will donate in Sunny’s honour to the Washington Humane Society.

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The Obamas adopted their first White House dog in April 2009, fulfilling a campaign promise to daughters Sasha and Malia.

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