
Twist on tradition brings new kind of generosity to Calgary’s Greek Bazaar

CALGARY – There’s something new on the menu at the Greek Bazaar in Calgary this weekend.

After 52 years of raising money for local charity groups (22 of them this year), the event is now helping out on an international scale.

“This year is going to be so special,” said long-time organizer Helen Bistihas, “because we’re helping the refugees back in Greece.”

Proceeds from the sale of food and other items will go toward providing support for the tens of thousands of migrants, many from Syria, who’ve been arriving in Greece this year.

“It’s not fair of us to sit on the couch and watch on TV and not do anything,” said Bistihas. “So we need to do something.”

The Bazaar runs Friday Nov. 6 and Saturday Nov. 7 at the Hellenic Community Centre in southwest Calgary.


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