
Community works together to help Moose Jaw fire victims

A fire ripped through a historic building, late Wednesday night, destroying five businesses and over 20 tenants are now scrambling for a new home.
Matt Myers / Global Regina. A fire ripped through a historic building, late Wednesday night, destroying five businesses and over 20 tenants are now scrambling for a new home.

MOOSE JAW – Three days after a devastating fire, more than 20 people are trying to put their lives back together.

“We just drove down the street a couple nights ago, and now to see this, it’s devastating,” said Mark Gabel, whose wife’s businesses burned down.

The fire ripped through a historic building late Wednesday night, destroying five businesses and many tenants are now scrambling for a new home.

“I’m looking at places around town, but without the Red Cross I’d probably be on the street somewhere,” said Chris Hall, a tenant.

The Red Cross extended their 72-hour initial response program until Monday. They’re providing accommodations and working with the Salvation Army to gather donations for the tenants, such as food and clothing.

“Their immediate needs are taken care of, but we’re looking with various agencies and assisting the tenants to move forward and get them reestablished,” said Bill Green of the Canadian Red Cross.

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Some community members are hosting fundraising events for those affected.

“Insurance won’t cover everything that was lost,” said Morgan Gabel, whose mother’s businesses burned down. “Being able to raise some money and give it to them right now, I think that would help a lot.”

Morgan set up a Facebook fundraising app for the business-owners, hoping to raise $5,000.

Then on April 3rd, Morgan will host a steak night at Chillers Brew Pub in Moose Jaw to raise money for apartment tenants who lost their homes.

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