Committee makes recommendations on strengthening N.B. anglophone school systemA provincial steering committee has recommended that the Government of New Brunswick provide more French language resources to English speaking students.CanadaNov 30, 2023
N.B. to remove decision-making power from anglophone district education councilsAnglophone district education councils will lose their decision making power, but the councils in francophone districts will retain them in order to respect Charter Rights.EducationMay 9, 2023
Blaine Higgs shouldn’t be so quick to shrug off byelection results: expertsPremier Blaine Higgs told reporters he wished voters would consider the direction of the province rather than his ability to speak French when casting votes.CanadaApr 26, 2023
‘I’m worried for my little boy’: N.B. parents push back on proposed French immersion programThe latest French immersion consultation for N.B. was held in Saint John and lasted about three hours with intense scrutiny of the program from dozens of parents and teachers.EducationJan 25, 2023
N.B. unsure how many kids won’t have access to new French second language programN.B. education officials can't say how many schools won't be able to offer the new French program this fall. About 40 per cent of anglophone schools don't offer French Immersion.EducationJan 5, 2023
N.B. education minister says province isn’t exploring private bilingual school busesNew Brunswick's education minister is denying reports that the province is exploring a single bilingual school bus system.PoliticsNov 18, 2022
Which party will get the Anglo vote in Quebec’s provincial election?Now that the Quebec election campaign has officially begun, the fight now begins in earnest for the Anglophone and Allophone votes in Montreal.CanadaAug 28, 2022
Bill 96: Health-care professionals say government’s reassurances misleadingHealth-care professionals who have been warning about the potential impact Bill 96 could have, say the government's repeated claims that the fears are unjustified, are misleading.CanadaMay 18, 2022
Bill 96: Quebec premier says health care will remain the same for anglophones, immigrantsThe Legault government is defending Bill 96 and is reassuring the anglophone and immigrant communities that services in English will continue.PoliticsMay 17, 2022
Continuing the fight against Quebec language law Bill 96Quebecers from all backgrounds have reason to be concerned with the anticipated passing of Bill 96 in the coming weeks. Legal experts say it will cause lots of legal battles.PoliticsMay 16, 2022
Over a pound of fentanyl seized at U.S. border, and it came from Canada10,906 Read
Canadian man sells both Teslas, cancels Cybertruck order to boycott Elon Musk10,625 Read
Tourist badly injured after approaching shark for photo in Turks and Caicos5,626 Read
Extreme cold warnings issued for most of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba5,360 Read
Why it’s not easy to be a ‘Product of Canada’ at the grocery store4,755 Read
Trolling Trump, Illinois governor declares Lake Michigan is now Lake Illinois4,232 Read
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Over a pound of fentanyl seized at U.S. border allegedly came from Canada
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