
Chris Hadfield answers questions, offers life lessons

WINNIPEG – Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield arrived at Global Winnipeg Thursday not many hours after leaving a Wednesday evening book signing that attracted more than 1,000 people.

The Morning News staff was busy wiping sweaty palms as Canada’s famed astronaut, the former commander of the International Space Station, arrived in the newsroom.

Hadfield also did a one-on-one interview with Lorraine Nickel on Wednesday afternoon.

Grade 1 and 2 students from H.S. Paul School asked Hadfield a few questions about life in space, wondering what it’s like to sleep and play music and how astronauts deal with their garbage.

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In addition to his answers to questions about his life thus far, Hadfield had a few words of advice that could apply to everyone.

“I loved every step of it,” Hadfield said of his life. “If you don’t like every step along the way, you’re headed in the wrong direction.”

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