
Jon Lord connects with voters online

 Jon Lord.
Jon Lord.

CALGARY – Mayoral candidate Jon Lord took to the internet on Thursday to speak to potential voters.

Lord participated in an online forum on social news website Reddit, answering questions about his campaign.

Among the many topics Lord touched on was a question about affordable housing.

“Been on a crusade to legalize basement suites for 15 years. Got them legalized right across the Province. Cared about and know this file thoroughly for a very long time. Know how to handle them in Calgary, and was instrumental in getting the legalized in ALL new homes in EVERY new subdivision – so now we can create tens of thousands if my opponent would just let new subdivisions be built. I talk less, do much more, and know what I am doing,” said Lord.

Lord was also asked his stance on water fluoridation, after the City of Calgary discontinued the practice of fluoridating Calgary’s drinking water in 2011.

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“The naturally occurring stuff is calcium fluorite, fairly inert and entirely different from the industrial waste sodium fluorosilicate acid that is put into the water. Fluoride is more deadly than lead and almost as bad as arsenic. Why would I accept putting lead into our water, just because it makes your fingernails a tiny bit harder? Read all about Dr. Edward Bernays, the father of modern spin doctoring and the man who brought us fluoride, when the US government and ALCOA had mountains of the stuff they had to get rid of because of the lawsuits piling up. I know it is a religion, but not one that I subscribe to, especially when several of the very people who used to promote it for Health Canada etc. have now recanted and travel about talking about how they changed their minds. No, I don’t like fluoride..but since in Alberta, all poor children have free dental health care, they can get all they want anyway, and I wouldn’t want you to be denied choice either…just please don’t make me also drink it just because you want to. I spent a lot of years fighting this one, seeing how devious and underhanded and lacking in integrity proponents were … just made me more convinced than ever,” posted Jon.

The municipal election is on October 21.

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