
United Way, City of Kingston grant over $450K to local organizations

The city of Kingston has brought back its Toys for Tickets campaign.
The city of Kingston has brought back its Toys for Tickets campaign. Global News

The City of Kingston and United Way of KFL&A have announced the recipients of the 2022 Community Investment Funds grants.

Through a call for applications, this partnership between the United Way and the city provides grants to eligible non-profit organizations.

“These grants support local agencies in the great work they do,” says Bhavana Varma, president and CEO of United Way of KFL&A.

“Needs in the community are high, and our volunteers did a great job reviewing all these proposals and making their funding recommendations to city council and the United Way board of directors.”

The grant program has been running since 2011, and 29 applicants applied for grants this year, with the total value coming in at $673,245.

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Twenty-four of the applicants were approved, for a total of $451,169.

The City of Kingston will provide $220,000 and United Way will provide the remaining $231,169.

“The depth and quality of the proposals demonstrates how much our community cares about investing in programs, building a healthier Kingston, and responding to the needs of its most vulnerable members,” says Ruth Noordegraaf, director of housing and social services.

“Together with United Way of KFL&A, we are encouraged to see the positive impact of the projects and programs offered by the successful grant recipients.”

For a complete list of the grant recipients, you can visit the United Way of KFL&A’s website.

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