
New black and white police vehicles now in operation

CALGARY – Police are starting to replace their old white and blue cruisers with black and white ones.

The old vehicle used by officers was the Crown Victoria, which is no longer in production, forcing them to adopt Ford Interceptors instead.

The move to black and white cars comes after research which suggested they enhance visibility and public recognition, as well as improve officer and public safety.

Officials say they’re also more economically efficient.

Based on current pricing for the vehicles, and the reduced cost of the proposed decaling, the move should save the Service over $6,000 per vehicle.

Police will not be altering their current fleet of blue and white vehicles, in an effort to maximize savings.

As such, it could take up to five years before the entire fleet is replaced with black and white vehicles.

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As well as the Ford Interceptors, the Service is also transitioning their SUVs to Ford Explorers, and introducing a number of black and white vans.

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