
Bob Layton: Catalytic converter thefts do more than damage vehicles

The Dr. Gerald Zetter Care Centre's outings were cancelled after their bus' catalytic converter was stolen. Sarah Komadina/ Global News

Last fall, I made the mistake of leaving a ladder beside my house for a couple of days and it disappeared.

That was maddening and inconvenient to me, but it was not as bad as what happened to a friend who was one of many who had his catalytic converter stolen. In his case, it happened in his employer’s parking lot while he was at work. With the cost involved, he chose to buy a different vehicle.

Then there was the converter stolen from a bus used by a senior’s residence. The seniors lost the chance for some outings, something they really look forward to.

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Then there are all the bronze memorial plaques stolen from the benches in the Victoria Promenade and the River Valley.

How must the relatives of the dearly departed feel?

The city calls stealing those plaques a crime of opportunity.

Really? Maybe if you carry a crowbar in your backpack?

I know we don’t want to go as far as other countries that use a caning to get a robber’s attention, so how would you deal with a converter hurter?

Bob Layton is the news manager of the Corus Edmonton group of radio stations.

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