
Sask. entrepreneur to have DIY custom candles showcased at Oscars

Saskatchewan company Mood the Candle Revival Co. will have their products featured at the Oscars in February. Global News Morning

It’s not often someone from Saskatchewan can associate themselves with the Oscars.

But don’t tell Mood the Candle Revival Co. founder Michelle Bieber that, because her product is about to hit the red carpet.

Mood the Candle Revival Co. founder Michelle Bieber. Courtesy / Mood the Candle Revival Co. website

Her DIY custom candles will find a place inside the “Everyone Wins” swag bags – given to Oscar nominees.

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“It’s always been a goal of mine. I knew about it years ago and I was like ‘one day I’m going to be in the Oscars swag bag,” Bieber said.

“I reached out to them…I sent the product out and they loved the fact that it was vegan, all-natural, organic and it was DIY (do it yourself).”

Unlike a traditional candle, Beiber supplies Mood Candle Revival Kits where customers melt and mix the all-natural soy wax on their own.

“It’s the concept of reusing something you have at home, turning it into a beautiful custom candle hand-poured by yourself,” Bieber said.

Bieber has a mix of emotions leading up the Oscars, but mostly grateful for the opportunity.

“It’s been so exciting for me. I’m super happy about it, but I’m also nervous too because it’s such a big deal putting a Saskatchewan company on the map and my company on the map,” Bieber said.

As of right now, her candles are available online. Beiber plans to expand once her business really gets going.

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“[I’m looking to] introduce more aromas, maybe even getting into providing a few vessels on our website,” Bieber said.

“Potentially getting our retail packaging in order for stores and wholesale. At this point, I just want to start selling.”

The Oscars take place on Feb. 9.

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